If you are injured by no fault of your own, you may have a personal injury case. There are many types of personal injury cases that are worth fighting for in court. In these cases, the injured party can receive compensation to cover both monetary and non-monetary damages caused by the injury.

If you or a loved one have recently been injured and are wondering if you have a viable lawsuit, consider if your situation matches one of these types of personal injury cases.

What Constitutes a Personal Injury Case?

A personal injury case is a legal matter wherein a person is injured as the result of someone else’s negligence or maliciousness. The injured party experiences losses due to their injury and can prove that the other party caused the injury.

Personal injury cases are handled in civil court and are categorized in three ways. 

  • Intentional Tort: An intentional tort relates to an act that caused injury and was intentionally committed. An at-fault party intended to injure someone.
  • Neglect Tort: A neglect tort relates to a situation wherein someone was injured due to the negligence of another party. A negligent at-fault party caused someone to get injured.
  • Strict Liability Tort: A strict liability tort relates to a situation wherein someone is injured, but there is no clear maliciousness or negligence. Someone was injured by a party who did not intend to cause harm and was not negligent in their action or inaction.

The most common types of personal injury cases fit within one of these three tort categories.

9 Types of Personal Injury Cases

Let’s look at how these torts are relevant in specific types of personal injury cases.

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents are one of the most common types of personal injury cases. These neglect tort cases relate to accidents that occur on the road. An injured party was acting in a safe manner, and an at-fault party was negligent and caused an accident. Auto accident cases may also include:

  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Boating Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Trucking Accidents

Related: Injured in a Car Accident? Here’s What You Need to Do Right Away.

Medical Negligence

Medical negligence is another type of neglect tort case. In this case, a medical professional did not treat a patient in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath. They provided extremely inadequate or poor care that resulted in a negative outcome for a patient.

Slip and Fall

A slip and fall is a type of personal injury case classified as a neglect tort. In this case, an at-fault party created a situation that was dangerous. The negligence of the at-fault party caused a person to fall and sustain an injury that would not have happened if conditions were safe.

Related: Think You Have a Slip and Fall Case? Take These 7 Steps   

Premises Liability

A premises liability case is also the result of neglect. In this case, a person is injured on a property that was not in a safe condition. Slip and falls are common premises liability cases, but they can also include any injuries caused by hazardous conditions created as a result of neglect.

Workplace Accident

Workplace accidents are incidents when someone is injured while they are at work. In these personal injury cases, a worker is injured as a result of unsafe working conditions. The owner or manager of the workplace did not keep the premises safe for their employees.

Product Liability / Product Defect

Product liability and product defect claims fall under strict liability torts. In these cases, a party is injured when a product failed to work properly or did not include proper warning labels. The injured party used a product as it was intended but still suffered harm.

Animal Attack

If an animal attacks a person, the owner is liable for damages. Dog bites are the most common type of animal attack personal injury cases. Pet owners are responsible for their pet’s actions even if they occur away from the owner.

Assault and Battery

While assault and battery cases are heard in criminal court, the injuries and damages caused by the incident can be litigated in civil court as a type of personal injury claim. Assault and battery is an intentional tort case that requires the party who committed violence to provide relief to the injured party.

Wrongful Death

A wrongful death case can also be classified as a type of personal injury claim. If the negligence of a person or business led to someone’s death, their loved ones can seek personal injury compensation for both monetary and non-monetary damages.

Get Representation for All Types of Personal Injury Cases

If you or a loved one has been injured in any of the situations described above, it’s time to reach out to a personal injury attorney. You are not responsible for the financial and personal burdens caused by an accident that was not your fault.

Seek relief and support today. Schedule your free consultation with TJ Grimaldi to see how he can use his experience litigating a variety of types of personal injury cases to help you get what is legally due to you.

Schedule your consultation or call 813-226-1023 now.

When you have a free consultation with a lawyer, you want to get as much value and insight as you can. You want to gather information that will help your case as well as help you determine if the attorney is the right fit for your legal and personal needs. The best way to get the information you need is to come to the meeting prepared.

Get ready by preparing a list of questions you can ask during your free consultation with a lawyer.

What to Ask During a Free Consultation with a Lawyer

There are four important topics you should discuss during a free consultation with a lawyer. Ask the following questions as they relate to working style, your case, attorney experience, and costs and fees.

Working Style

Will I be working directly with you? Who else will be working on the case? Often, a law firm partner will meet with you initially and then pass your case over to another lawyer or team of paralegals. Find out who will be working on your case with you.

How often will we touch base? How will we communicate? Get an idea of how often you will communicate with the attorney and how you will reach each other. Find out if phone, email, in-person meetings, or some other communication method is best.

Your Case

What are the strengths and weaknesses of my case? Get both sides of your case to see what supports your case as well as detracts from it.

What is the likely outcome? How long will the case take? While attorneys can’t guarantee what will happen or how long it will take, they can give you an educated opinion about what you can expect from your case.

Attorney’s Experience

How long have you practiced this type of law? Many attorneys practice multiple types of law. Ask questions specifically about the type of law that relates to your case.

Have you worked on similar cases? What were the outcomes of those cases? Learn more about their experience by asking about past cases and how they turned out.

Costs and Fees

What will the cost be? Legal matters have a variety of associated costs. There is the cost of the attorney as well as court and filing fees. Get an idea of what the total cost of your case will be. Also, ask how the attorney will be compensated by you. Some attorneys charge by the hour. Others use a contingency agreement, where they are only paid if you win your case. And, others charge a flat fee for certain legal matters such as immigration cases or prepared trusts and wills.

How much is required to get started? Some attorneys require a retainer to begin work on a case. Find out how much money you will need to provide to the attorney to get started.

Do you have a payment plan? Once you have an idea of associated costs, discuss how you will pay the fees. Find out how the attorney can make it affordable for you.

Related: Think You Have a Slip and Fall Case? Take These 7 Steps

Tips for Preparing for Your Free Attorney Consultation

Knowing the right questions to ask will help you prepare for your free consultation with a lawyer. As you go into your meeting, also consider these tips that will give you the right mindset and information to make the meeting as productive as possible.

Do your research before you arrive. Don’t go into a free consultation with a lawyer before you have done some initial research. Look at the attorney’s website. Read their reviews. Google the attorney’s name to see if there is any media about them. Get a feel for what type of cases they take on and who they serve before your meeting.

Write down your questions before the meeting (and take notes during the meeting). The last thing you want to do is walk out of the meeting and remember a question you forgot to ask. Don’t rely on your memory during the meeting. Bring a list of your questions, and check them off as you go. Also, take notes during the meeting. Your meeting will be packed with information. You may feel like you are retaining everything, but notes will help you organize the information afterward.

Be honest. Even if you don’t hire the attorney, the information you share during your free consultation is protected under attorney-client privilege. It is a confidential meeting, so be fully open and transparent during the consultation. Share all of the details relevant to your case so the attorney can get the full picture and best understand how to represent you.

Bring documentation. The more information you can provide to the attorney, the better. Bring any documentation that helps tell your story. When you schedule the free consultation, ask if there is any documentation that can provide context based on the type of case you have. For example, there are certain documents that can be specifically helpful in a personal injury or family law matter.

Related: How to Prepare for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney

Get a Free Consultation with a Lawyer

A free consultation with a lawyer is the first step in your legal journey. Make sure you get the most out of this process by asking the right questions and taking steps to get prepared before your initial meeting. When you are prepared, you’ll be better able to vet attorneys and find the best lawyer for your unique situation.

See if TJ Grimaldi is the right attorney for your case. Prepare your list of questions, and request your free consultation with TJ today to see how he can help.

Request your consultation or call 813-226-1023 today.

If you are injured due to negligence, you are not liable for the costs of your related care, rehabilitation, lost wages, and permanent damages. You have a right to personal injury compensation that can help you cover both immediate and long-term costs associated with your injury.

If you have been injured by no fault of your own, consider if you are able to fight for personal injury compensation and take steps to get the fair settlement you deserve.

What Is Personal Injury Compensation?

Personal injury compensation is a financial payout given to an individual to cover damages that result from an injury caused by the negligence of another party. To have a legal right to personal injury compensation, the injured party must prove:

  1. The injury was a result of negligence
  2. The injury led to damages

If you were in an accident and can prove both of these points, you may have a personal injury claim worth fighting for.

When Can You Make a Personal Injury Compensation Claim?

To win personal injury compensation, you must be able to prove that an injury was caused because of the negligence of another person or business. You must prove that the other party was at fault. Personal injury compensation is most commonly awarded in cases related to:

In Florida, you have up to four years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. 

While you have years to make a claim, it’s recommended that you talk to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. The sooner you take up the fight, the more time you have to prepare your case and receive compensation for immediate expenses and damages.

What Can Personal Injury Compensation Cover?

Personal injury compensation can cover a wide array of damages that are both monetary and non-monetary. There are four major categories associated with personal injury cases.

Special Compensation Damages

Special compensation damages have an explicit monetary value. The damages relate to the costs incurred due to the accident. They include:

  • Immediate medical bills (hospital expenses, surgeries, prescriptions, etc.)
  • Future medical bills (physical therapy, massage therapy, prescriptions, chiropractor sessions, pain management treatment, mental health treatment, etc.)
  • Cost of home-care and domestic services
  • Lost income
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Property damage
  • Costs of altered plans (canceling a vacation, wedding, etc.)

General Compensation Damages

Unlike special compensation damages, general compensation damages don’t have an exact dollar amount. General compensation damages refer to the non-monetary harm caused by the accident. They are often referred to as “pain and suffering” damages and include financial compensation for:

  • Debilitating long-term physical impairments
  • Physical disfigurement or deformities
  • Emotional trauma (stress and anxiety)
  • Loss of consortium or companionship
  • Damage to lifestyle because of the injury

Punitive Damages

If the injury was intentionally caused by the at-fault party, the injured party may be eligible for punitive damages. Punitive damages are awarded when there is proof that the injury was a result of malicious or intentional conduct.

Wrongful Death Damages

In the case of a wrongful death, there may also be wrongful death damages that provide relief for the surviving family. They may include:

  • Pre-death medical bills
  • Cost of funeral and burial
  • Loss of consortium or companionship
  • Emotional distress of surviving family
  • Loss of financial contribution

How to Prove Your Personal Injury Claim

If you wish to seek personal injury compensation, you need to prove damages. You must show the court proof of the burdens that have been placed on you and your family, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially.

To prove your personal injury claim, it helps to have:

  • Photos of injuries
  • Medical bills and records
  • A documented medical prognosis
  • Expert testimony
  • Witness testimony
  • Personal testimony
  • Testimony from friends and family
  • Photos from the scene of the accident

Gathering evidence is essential to winning your personal injury case. Don’t delay if you think you have a right to personal injury compensation. Start collecting evidence and information immediately after the accident to improve the chances of winning your case.

Related: Think You Have a Slip and Fall Case? Take These 7 Steps

Get Fair Personal Injury Compensation

If you or a loved one sustained an injury due to the negligence of another party, you should not be further burdened by short-term and long-term costs. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your immediate and lasting expenses that impact your body, mind, family, and finances.

If you think you are due personal injury compensation, contact TJ Grimaldi today. 

TJ is an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you determine if you have a case, and if you do, help you get what’s due to you. The consultation is no cost, so you have nothing to risk (and everything to gain) by talking to TJ today.

Schedule your consultation or call 813-226-1023 now.

If you’re getting ready to create a parenting plan for your child or children, you need to know the different types of child custody.

Entering into a child custody conversation can be challenging. Even if the discussion is amicable and both parents have the best interest of the child in mind, it can be stressful. To make the situation easier for everyone involved, it helps to know all of your options before starting the conversation.

Knowing the different types of child custody helps both parties fully understand the terms before making an agreement. It also helps you explore all of your options so you can make the best plan of action for your family.

The 5 Types of Child Custody

If a married couple with children splits up or parents that live separately have a child, they need to create a plan for how they will share the responsibility of caring for the child. They need to choose the type of child custody that will work best for the parents, and more importantly, the involved child or children.

Legal Custody

When a parent has legal custody, they have the right to make legal decisions for the child. Parents with children under the age of 18 are legal custodians of the child. Legal custody grants a parent the right to make decisions about how the child will be raised and cared for. A parent with legal custody can make decisions as it relates to the child’s healthcare, religion, and education.

Physical Custody

When a parent has physical custody, they have the right for the child to live with them. Parents with physical custody (called a “custodial parent”) have the child in their home and care for them on a day-to-day basis.

Sole Custody

Sole custody refers to one parent having full legal custody, full physical custody, or both full legal and physical custody of a child. Because it is often better for the child to have both parents involved, sole custody is usually only an option when one parent is deemed unfit.

Joint Custody

Joint custody refers to parents sharing legal custody, physical custody, or both. The goal of most custody agreements is to create a plan where each parent has some physical and legal custody. Under a joint physical custody agreement, both parents spend time with the child living at their home. Under a joint legal custody agreement, parents work together to make long-term decisions about the child’s life and well-being.

Grandparent Visitation Custody

In some cases, child custody expands beyond the rights of parents and extends to grandparents. Grandparents can get legal rights to visit their grandchildren. While this may not be a part of the initial child custody agreement, it’s worth noting that its an option for grandparents.

Related: How to Prepare for the First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney

Who Decides the Type of Child Custody?

Child custody usually comes into question when a couple goes through a divorce, when a child is born out of wedlock, or when circumstances change and an existing custody arrangement needs to change.

Parents must work together to decide on a plan on their own, or they may need to get legal assistance. Child custody can be decided by:

  • The Family: Parents can work together to create an agreement outside of the courtroom. It is advised to have the plan in writing in the event that the plan doesn’t work out and becomes a family law matter. (Please see our Guide to Florida Family Law Forms to see how you can establish a custody plan.)
  • Mediation: Parents can work with a third-party mediator to come up with a child custody agreement. Mediation allows both parties to work together to come up with a plan that they can both agree on. If they can’t agree, they will need to go to court.
  • Judge: If parents cannot come up with a child custody agreement on their own or through mediation, they will go before a judge to present their case. The judge will make the final decision. In most cases, parents want to avoid this option as it puts 100% of the control in the hands of the judge. The parents must abide by their ruling.

Related: 6 Ways to Prepare for Divorce Mediation

Get The Best Child Custody Outcome

If you’re dealing with a child custody change, you may be feeling nervous or anxious. Creating a parenting plan when going through a separation or a divorce can be stressful. It’s natural to feel a bit of anxiety about the situation.

But, you can take steps to ensure that you get the best possible outcome in your custody agreement. 

You took the first step by educating yourself on the different types of child custody. Now, you know your options.

The next step is finding a family law attorney who can guide you through the process. With a trusted and experienced attorney by your side, you can ensure that you get the best possible parenting plan whether you create the agreement in or out of court.

Are you getting ready to create a child custody plan? Explore your options and find out how to get the outcome that is best for you and your family. Schedule a free consultation with TJ Grimaldi to share your story and see how he can help. Schedule your consultation or call 813-226-1023 today.


If you find yourself in legal trouble, you want the best attorney by your side. This is especially true if the case is in criminal court. You want the best criminal defense attorney fighting for you. A good criminal defense attorney can directly impact the momentum of your case and help you get the best outcome possible. 

But, how do you know which attorney will be the best for your criminal defense case? How can you determine who will fight for you and have the resources to best defend your case? 

You can look for these seven qualities. 

The Qualities of Top Criminal Defense Attorneys 

If you find yourself in legal trouble and searching for the best criminal defense attorney, look for someone who has these qualifications, characteristics, and resources. An attorney with these qualities can help you get the best possible outcome by working to reduce your charges, make plea deals, or prove your innocence. 

#1) Criminal Law Experience 

Your criminal law case can have repercussions that impact the rest of your life. You want your case in the hands of someone who knows how to handle it properly. Look for a criminal defense attorney who has been working within the system for an extended period of time. Ensure that they not only have experience in law, but that they have experience in the type of criminal law related to your case such as: 

  • DUI
  • Theft and property crimes
  • Traffic citations 
  • Drug offenses
  • Sex offenses
  • Violent crimes
  • Weapons offenses

Recommended Reading: Arrested for a DUI in Florida? Here’s What to Do Next 

#2) Community Ties

The best criminal defense attorneys have ties to their community. Connections in the community can be helpful while litigating a criminal case as the lawyer can speak with local leaders to get resources and support for your case. Look for an attorney who has good standing in the community and connections with offices and officials that could impact the direction of your case. 

#3) Personal Dedication to Clients 

Many law practices have dozens of attorneys who take on cases without offering much personal attention. You may go in to meet with a primary attorney, but then never see them again once you are assigned to other lawyers within the organization. Seek an attorney who will give you the personal attention you deserve and continue to work with you one-on-one throughout your case. 

#4) Trustworthiness 

The success of your criminal law case may rely on how much you share with your attorney. What you tell them (or don’t tell them) could have a major impact on your case. Work with someone who you feel comfortable with and can talk to and trust. They will be giving you advice and recommendations about your future and potential freedom. You must be able to trust their advice and share all of the details that can impact your case’s outcome. 

#5) Creative Thinking

The best criminal defense attorneys know how to think outside of the box to help defend your case in any way possible. You don’t want an attorney who simply goes through the motions. You want someone who can think critically and creatively about your case to see angles and opportunities that can support your side.

#6) Access to Legal Resources 

When you are involved in a criminal case, you are going up against the State of Florida and their vast access to resources. You need a criminal defense attorney who has similar access to the resources you will need to properly defend your case. Look for an attorney who has an affiliation with a larger firm that can provide resources for detailed and complex cases.

#7) Payment Plans 

Cost is always a concern when entering into a legal matter. You may want to find the cheapest option to keep your costs low, but this could be a mistake. The results of your case could impact you for the rest of your life. You don’t want the cheapest option; you want the best option. So rather than look for the best price, look for an attorney who offers payment plans or flat-fee pricing that allows you to get the best defense while still factoring in your financial situation. 

Recommended Reading: If You’re Arrested for a Crime, Immediately Take These 6 Steps   

Talk to The Best Criminal Defense Attorney in Tampa 

If you are entering a legal matter, whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, you want and need the best criminal defense attorney by your side. Consider the qualities of top defense lawyers, and then interview a few options to see who best fits the description.

Start by talking to TJ Grimaldi about how he fits these qualifications and can support your case. 

TJ has years of criminal law experience fighting for clients in the Tampa area. He works directly with his clients and offers a personal dedication that builds the trust needed during stressful criminal cases. He is a creative thinker with access to abundant resources at his partnering law firm McIntyre Thanasides. And, he works with all of his clients to make sure cost doesn’t stop them from receiving the best defense possible.

Talk to him today during a free consultation to see if he is the best criminal defense attorney for your case. Request your free consultation or call 813-226-1023 today.

It’s never easy to prepare for divorce mediation. Your emotions are likely running high, and you may have nerves about both the process and the divorce itself. But, getting fully prepared before your divorce mediation will help you decrease your stress and put yourself in a position to get the best possible outcome. 

If you are starting to prepare for divorce mediation, use these tips to get ready. 

#1) Understand what will be discussed during mediation. 

The first step to prepare for divorce mediation is getting a full understanding of what the process is and what will happen during it.

Divorce mediation is a process wherein two parties meet with a non-biased mediator. The goal of the meeting is divide assets and make a plan for your family. During mediation, you will work out: 

  • Distribution of financial assets
  • Distribution of property
  • Distribution of debts
  • Child support payments
  • Alimony payments
  • Child custody and parenting time

Divorce mediation is designed to prevent your case from going to trial. If you and your spouse can amicably work through these decisions in mediation, then you don’t need to go to trial. If you and your spouse can’t work through these decisions, you will go to court where a judge will make the decisions for you. 

Ideally, you want to be in control of these decisions, not a judge, which is why it’s so important to plan for a successful mediation. 

Recommended Reading: How to File for Divorce in Florida 

#2) Collect and closely review all financial documents. 

Before your divorce mediation, get your financial documents in order. Make sure all financial documents are provided to the other side and that you have received all financial documents from the other side. 

Equitable Mediation recommends that you have:

  • Pay Stubs
  • W-2’s and/or 1099’s
  • Tax Returns 
  • Savings, Checking, Money Market and CD Accounts
  • Annuities, IRAs, Deferred Compensation
  • Retirement Accounts and Pensions
  • Non-Retirement Investments such as Stocks, Bonds, Secured Notes, Mutual Funds
  • Credit Cards and Revolving Credit
  • Other Loans and Debts
  • Executive Compensation – Stock Options, RSUs or Other Executive Comp
  • Business Interests Valuation
  • Real Estate Property Valuation
  • Vehicles, Boats, Trailers Valuation
  • Jewelry, Antiques, Art, Coin Collections, or Other Property with significant value
  • Real Estate Loans
  • Life Insurance (Whole Life Policies)

Collect and review these documents so you are aware of all assets and debts going into mediation.

#3) Plan to negotiate — and compromise. 

All divorce assets and terms are negotiable, but only while you are in mediation. If your case goes before a judge, you lose your right to negotiate. The judge will make the final decision. So as you get ready to go into mediation, be prepared to both negotiate and compromise. 

Prioritize the things that are most important to you. Then, be willing to compromise on other items to keep your case in mediation and avoid the need for a judge to make decisions for you.

#4) Don’t expect to rush through it.

While most people want their divorce to be over as quickly as possible, it can be a mistake to rush through the process, especially the mediation.

Mediation can take time. You might want to rush it, but instead, you should be prepared to stay at the mediation as long as it takes to come to an agreement. Plan to take time to really think about the details of the agreement. The results of a divorce mediation will continue to affect your life for years to come, and it’s always better to decide your own fate, rather than put it in the hands of a stranger (the judge). 

#5) Get in the right mindset. 

Divorces are emotional experiences. They can take a toll on people both mentally and physically. As you prepare for divorce mediation, take some time to focus on your mind and body. Get rest, and get in the right mindset.  

You don’t want to go into mediation filled with emotions because they will lead to emotional decisions. Emotional decisions are rarely the right ones. Come into the mediation with the mindset to leave the past in the past, and instead, only worry about what will be best for the future. 

#6) Bring a divorce attorney to be by your side.

You are not required to have an attorney during divorce mediation. Both sides can participate without legal counsel. But, that may not be the best decision.

An experienced divorce attorney can help you see blind spots when it comes to dividing up assets. They can help you negotiate to get what you think is fair and act as an intermediary during complicated and emotional discussions. You are better equipped to go through the process with someone fighting for you by your side. 

Recommended Reading: How to Prepare for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney   

Prepare for Your Divorce Mediation by Talking to an Experienced Attorney

As you prepare for divorce mediation, use these tips to make sure you are prepared. Then, make sure you haven’t missed any important details by working closely with a family law professional who can help you navigate the process. 

The decisions you make during your divorce mediation can impact the rest of your life. Make sure you get them right. 

Talk to an experienced divorce attorney today. Request your free consultation to talk to TJ Grimaldi. Schedule your consultation or call 813-226-1023 today.

A slip and fall case protects people from the burdens brought on by an injury caused by negligence. If a negligent business creates an unsafe environment that causes a person to be injured, the negligent party is held accountable. They must provide the resources the injured party needs to heal physically, mentally, and financially.

Make sure you know what to do if you experience a slip and fall at work or in a public place. Protect yourself by knowing the steps to follow if you are injured and need to pursue a slip and fall case to receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Do You Have a Slip and Fall Case?

To have a successful slip and fall claim, you must prove that the owner of the location knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that led to the injury. A court will only side with the injured party if they can prove negligence by an at-fault party. Proving the negligence is why it is so important to take these seven steps if you slip and fall at work or in a public place.

7 Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

To make a case for your slip and fall claim, it’s important that you take action immediately. Take these seven steps right away.

#1) If you are hurt, seek immediate medical attention.

If you slip and fall, your health and well being should be your first priority. Immediately seek medical assistance. Getting emergency medical services ensures that all of your potential injuries are identified right away, preventing you from missing injuries that can get worse without immediate treatment.

Getting medical attention also creates an official report of your injuries that will be helpful if you have a slip and fall case as it prevents the opposing side from saying you weren’t injured.

#2) Report the incident.

If you’re at a business or work when you fall, request to file an official incident report. Ask to talk to management and create a documented report. Share your story, and then review the document to ensure that it accurately represents your side of the situation.

#3) Ask for a copy of the report.

Once the report is created, get a copy of your own. Don’t leave without a copy of the report. If the business does not want to provide a copy for you, take a photo of the report on your phone. Having a copy of the original version will be essential in your slip and fall case.

#4) Get information from witnesses.

Eye witness accounts will be important to your case. If there were any witnesses to your accident, get their names and phone numbers. Write down the details of their story and share the information with your personal injury attorney so they can follow up with witnesses to get extra details and testimonies if needed.

#5) Look for on-scene evidence and take photos.

To win a slip and fall case, you must prove that there was negligence. You must prove that the owner of the property knew that there were dangerous conditions and did not act. To prove that part of your case, look for on-scene evidence and take photographs of your surroundings after a fall. Capture:

  • Warning signs or lack of warning signs.
  • Signs or other evidence that suggests that the dangerous condition has been there for some time.

#6) Take photos as your injuries progress.

Showing the full extent of your injuries will also be important to your case. In some cases, your injuries may not fully show until days after the accident. If your injuries show up or progress days after the accident, take pictures of the body parts that show the injuries.

#7) Talk to an attorney about your slip and fall.

The best way to know if you have a slip and fall case and ensure that you will win your case if you do is by contacting a slip and fall attorney immediately after your injury.

While you have up to four years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit in Florida, you don’t want to wait. Evidence is easier to collect early on, and cases are more difficult to win as time goes on. Don’t wait. Talk to an attorney right away to discuss your case if you feel your fall was the result of negligence on behalf of a business or property owner.

Related: What To Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Let a Professional Handle Your Slip and Fall Case

You should not be responsible for burdens brought on by an injury caused by negligence. The negligent party should provide what you need to be made whole physically, mentally, and financially.

If you have been involved in a slip and fall, TJ Grimaldi is here to make sure you get what you deserve. Contact our office for a free consultation to discuss your slip and fall, whether it was a few days or a few years ago. Schedule your consultation or call 813-226-1023 today.

Planning your first meeting with a divorce attorney can be a little unsettling. This is a big step in your life, and it’s natural to feel nervous or anxious about starting the process. But, if you are prepared and planning to meet with an experienced, caring attorney, you don’t need to worry.

When you go into your first meeting with a divorce attorney with the right information and questions, you can get started off in the right direction. You can speed up the process and create a plan to lead to the best possible outcome for you and your family.

When Is it Time to Meet with a Divorce Attorney?

While you might be putting it off, it’s time to meet with a divorce attorney if:

  • You’ve been thinking about divorce. Meetings with a divorce attorney are completely confidential. If you are thinking about filing for divorce but don’t want your spouse to know, you can meet with an attorney confidentiality to explore your options.
  • You’ve been served with divorce papers. You only have twenty days to respond after being served with divorce papers. Time is of the essence, so plan a meeting with an attorney right away.
  • You’ve decided you want to file for divorce. Once you are ready to file for divorce, start the process by meeting with an attorney to discuss your options.

If you are in any of these situations, look for a divorce attorney who offers free initial consultations (that often take place over the phone). If that goes well, schedule your first in-person meeting.

Prepare for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney

Follow these steps to get ready for your first meeting with a divorce attorney so you feel confident and prepared and have the materials you need to move your case along quickly.

#1) If you’ve been served, bring the divorce papers.

If you’re starting the divorce process because your spouse has filed, bring the divorce papers that were served to you. When you call for your appointment, share the date that you were served so the attorney can plan to see you in the appropriate amount of time. Remember, you only have twenty days to file an answer from the day you were served.

Related: What Happens After Divorce Papers Are Served?

#2) Gather identification for all involved family members.

Bring any and all personal identification information about people in your immediate family, including your current spouse and any children.

#3) Gather financial information.

Bring any documents with financial information such as:

  • Bank statements
  • Credit card statements
  • Account information
  • Tax returns
  • Loan documents

#4) Create a list of assets.

In addition to financial funds, create a list of:

  • Assets to distribute
  • Credits to distribute
  • Debits to distribute
  • Other valuable personal property to distribute

#5) Gather any additional documentation.

In addition to financial and asset information, collect any other documents that are related to your marriage or children. For example, if you have children and you have taken a parenting course in anticipation of the divorce, bring the certificate. Or, if there is alleged physical abuse or taking of funds, bring documentation to support your claim.

#6) Create a timeline of events.

Your attorney is going to need to understand the story of your relationship. Help them by creating a timeline of events that tells the story. Include the date and location of your marriage, the date of separation, and any other dates of important information such as spousal misconduct or problems.

#7) Do initial research on the divorce process.

You will feel more confident if you do a bit of initial research before your meeting. At the minimum, read through our guide on “How to File for Divorce in Florida” to get an idea of how the divorce process works.

#8) Create a list of questions.

Use your time with the divorce attorney to share information as well as ask questions. Ask any questions you have about the process and your situation. Also, question the attorney about their experience, rates, and past cases. Use this time to get educated on the process and the attorney so you can decide if the lawyer is right for you.

Related: A Guide to Understanding Florida Family Law Forms 

#9) Be prepared to be honest and open.

The more you share with your divorce attorney, the better they will be able to help you. As you go into your first meeting with a divorce attorney, be prepared to be open and honest. Share any details that you think are relevant or add context to your situation, and know that your conversation is 100% confidential.

Schedule Your First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney

If you have been served with divorce papers or are thinking about starting the process on your own, don’t let the unknown hold you back. Follow these steps to get ready for your first meeting with a divorce attorney, and then take the first step.

See if TJ Grimaldi is the right divorce attorney to help you through the process. Our initial consultations are free. Schedule your consultation or call 813-226-1023 to see if TJ is the best attorney to help guide you through this phase of your life.

If you are arrested for a crime, it’s imperative that you act quickly. Everything you do from the minute the police approach you can have an impact on your case. Knowing what to do and when to do it can lead to lesser chargers and a better overall outcome — especially if you are innocent or falsely accused. Taking the right steps after being arrested for a crime is even more important if you are incorrectly charged.

Make sure you know how to protect yourself if you are faced with criminal charges.

Follow these steps immediately after being arrested for a crime.

#1) Don’t make any statements.

When police officers believe a crime has been committed, they begin to collect evidence right away. They ask questions and perform an initial investigation to decide if something illegal occurred. As you go through this process, keep your comments to a minimum.

Anything you say can be used as evidence. You don’t want to provide any information that can be used against you in the case. Don’t provide an opportunity for your comments or actions to be taken out of context. Stay as quiet as possible.

If the officer believes something illegal has occurred, they will conduct an official arrest. At that time, they will read your Miranda Rights. Once these rights are read, you don’t have to say anything else to the offices. Don’t say anything else until you speak to an attorney.

Related: Stopped and Arrested for a DUI in Florida? Here’s What to Do Next   

#2) Get ready for the arraignment hearing.

When you are arrested for a crime, you will be taken to the jail and “booked.” During the booking processes, you will be assigned an arraignment hearing. Arraignment hearings are usually scheduled within the next 48-72 hours. You may wait in jail until the hearing or pay bail to be released before the hearing.

During the hearing, you will stand in front of a judge as the charges against you are read. At that time, you will enter a plea of not guilty, no contest, or guilty. You will need to have a plan for what to do during the hearing.

That is why step three is so important.

#3) Get an attorney involved right away.

While you are awaiting your hearing, it’s imperative that you talk to a criminal defense attorney right away. You are permitted to make a phone call. Use it to contact an attorney who can advise you on what to say during the hearing or be by your side for the event.

The state begins working on your conviction right away, so you need to start working on your defense immediately. Whether you are facing a felony or misdemeanor, getting an attorney involved from the start can help you set up a plan for defending your cases at the highest level.

#4) Write down everything that happened and collect evidence.

While your memory is fresh, write down everything that happened when you were arrested for the crime. List details that happened leading up to the arrest and during the arrest. Include any relevant information that might add context to the event or situation.

Also, collect any evidence that helps your side of the case. The police may have collected evidence during the arrest, but you can collect your own. Think about any other facts or information that can support your side of the case.

You will need this information when you meet with your attorney to develop a defense strategy for your case.

#5) Give your attorney as much information as you can.

When you meet with your attorney for the first time, be prepared to give them as much information as possible. Share all of the details you wrote down and all of the evidence you collected.

Each detail can potentially be used in your defense so don’t be afraid to overshare. Your attorney will use the information you provide to create arguments against your chargers and develop a defense for your case.

The more information you share, the better your chances of finding details that will help your case.

#6) Be patient.

Everyone wants their criminal case to be over as fast as possible, but that does not always lead to the best outcome. Rushing through the process can result in missing opportunities to make pleas, lessen your charges, or even get your case dismissed.

Understand that there is a process and if you have a qualified defense attorney by your side, you will be most likely to end with the best possible result.

If You’re Arrested for a Crime, Act Fast

If you’re arrested for a crime, time is of the essence. The state will immediately start building their case against you. You need to start immediately building your case to defend yourself.

Don’t waste time. Talk to an experienced criminal attorney who knows what you need to do to build a case that will lead to the best possible outcome. Get help today. Call TJ Grimaldi to discuss your case. All consultations are 100% free, so don’t delay. Start making your defense plan today. Request your free consultation or call 813-226-1023.

It’s difficult to fully prepare for being injured in a car accident. The experience is scary and stressful, and you will likely be in a panicked state immediately after the accident, making it more difficult to know what to do. 

But, you can educate yourself on the right things to do after a car accident so you are more likely to take steps that will protect you, those around you, and your assets.

Hopefully, you never need to know these steps, but please keep this information in mind in case you are ever injured in a car accident.  

#1) Take a deep breath, and check yourself for injuries.

If you are involved in a car accident, your adrenaline is probably going to kick in. You may feel a rush of energy and alertness. This is your body helping you navigate through a stressful and dangerous situation, but it can also limit your abilities to see the situation clearly.

When you have an adrenaline rush, it can decrease your ability to feel pain. You may have been injured in the car accident, but feel fine because your body is covering up minor or major injuries. 

The first thing you should do if you are in a car accident is take a breath and check yourself for injuries. Keep in mind that you might not feel your injuries, so perform a body scan to see if you are hurt, but just not feeling it yet. If you have an injury, don’t try to move until help arrives (unless you need to move for other safety reasons).

#2) Check passengers for injuries. 

Next, check all other passengers in your vehicle for injuries. Direct them to do a scan on their bodies, and remind them that they may not feel the injuries right away. If they are injured, advise them to stay put. If they aren’t injured, advise them to check the situation outside, and get out and get help if it is safe.

#3) Call 911 and request an ambulance.  

If you are injured in a car accident, you need both police and paramedic assistance.

  • You need police assistance to document the accident and create a report. Even if the facts of the accident seem obvious or the person who caused the accident seems nice and helpful, you need an official report. 
  • You need paramedic assistance to first check your injuries and provide any immediate care that you or others need. You also need the paramedics to create a report that documents the details of your injuries. 

Both reports will be useful in the event that you need to take legal action to be fairly compensated for vehicle damage and bodily harm caused by the accident. 

#4) Gather information about the car accident.

While the on-scene police will collect information to put in their official report, they may miss a few details. If possible, don’t rely entirely on the police to collect details. If you or someone else on the scene is able, collect information on your own. 

If you are in a car accident, you should collect: 

  • Names, contact information, and insurance information of all drivers
  • Names and contact information of other passengers and witnesses 
  • Location and time of the accident
  • Photos of involved vehicles 
  • License plate information and make, model, and color of involved vehicles 
  • Any dashcam footage

Before you part ways with the on-scene police officers, get their names and badges numbers. Also, ask them where you can obtain the official report for your records. 

Related: What To Do After a Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault

#5) Call an attorney before calling any insurance companies. 

If you are injured in a car accident, take steps to immediately protect your health and well-being. Then, take steps to protect your financial interests.

You may think that insurance will cover all of the costs related to your accident and injuries, but that is not always the case.  

Insurance companies have trained professionals to make you think they are there to help you when they are actually there to try to get your claim closed out in the fastest and cheapest way possible. Both your insurance company and the insurance company of the other parties involved are likely going to work to avoid paying out compensation for damages. 

For this reason, it is important that you talk to an auto accident attorney or a personal injury attorney before contacting any insurance company after your accident. 

An experienced attorney can make sure you get all of the compensation needed to deal with both your vehicle damages and personal injuries. They can help you get the full compensation you deserve, which may include long-term physical therapy or treatment, mental health treatment, lost wages, lost funds, and long-term pain and suffering.

Injured in a Car Accident? We Will Fight for You

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need to focus your energy on healing mentally and physically. You don’t need the extra stress of fighting with insurance companies to make sure you are fairly and fully compensated. We’re here to take on that fight for you.

Let TJ Grimaldi be your voice to the insurance company so they don’t take advantage of you during your time of need. Contact our office today for a free consultation with TJ to learn how we can advocate for you and collect what is due to you after your auto accident. Request your free consultation or call 813-226-1023.