Tampa Bay Divorce Attorney

There comes a time when you and your spouse can no longer be together. While you have wound your lives together over the past several years, it is time to unwind them and go your separate ways. A separation isn’t easy, but divorice attorney, TJ Grimaldi works to make it as painless as possible. 

When you hire TJ Grimaldi, Attorney at Law, you can take on a lawyer who will help you through this delicate time. He will make sure you have the support and legal representation you need to separate from your spouse in a fair and reasonable way.   

Work Through Divorce and Family Law

The divorce process is more than just separating your possessions. It also looks at your financial situation and the family aspect of having kids or pets. TJ helps with all aspects of your divorce negotiations and family law proceedings, including dealing with:

  • Child support and custody agreements 
  • Alimony and spousal support
  • Property division
  • Divorce modification

With a comprehensive agreement, you and your former spouse can move forward with a fair agreement for both parties. 

Use a Divorce Lawyer to Protect Your Rights

Even if you and your spouse are parting on good terms, it is important to hire a divorce lawyer to guide you through the parting process. A lawyer can help you draw up a contract that you can turn to any time there is a problem between each other. For example, if one spouse wants to withhold custody of the children from the other, there is a legally-binding agreement that they can turn to. 

Just because you are in a good place with your significant other now, it doesn’t mean you won’t encounter problems in the future. Protect yourself from the start. 

Tampa Bay Divorce and Family Law Attorney

TJ Grimaldi provides the personal care you would expect from an experienced divorce attorney. He works directly with each client on every case, which means you will have his full attention as you work through the process. 

Working with TJ isn’t like hiring a large law firm, where you meet with primary attorneys once and then get passed off a supporting legal team. TJ has a legal team, but he is still the primary person you work with. He is here to discuss your divorce and create a plan to move forward.

Reach out to TJ Grimaldi today and request your free consultation

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